It wasn’t even on my It’s Not Too Late List until recently. Did it anyway. Watch the video here.
“I’m looking back, I’m looking back! I’m going to the net,” I chanted last August (see previous Running Up to the Net post). I wasn’t yet but it made me feel better anyway. When I dread doing something I remind myself that time passes quickly and visualize myself in a tennis game, aggressively returning an opponent’s volley from the net where I smash the ball real good.
I dreaded undergoing BBL and HALO, facial skin treatments that I suspected would involve pain and suffering. The questions in my mind were, how much pain and suffering, and would the outcomes be worth it? Boise dermatologist, Dr. Lindie Borton, my dermatologist since discovering my first skin cancer in 2011, recommended I consider getting Broadband Light therapy (no, not a Brazilian Butt Lift. but an intense pulsed light that works relatively close to the surface of the skin) and HALO (the best online description I could find). In short, HALO’s a fractional laser that improves the texture and appearance of skin and can help combat facial skin cancer. Numerous sunburns had damaged my skin and I lived with the reality that at any given time, skin cancer could show up. Also, I was diagnosed with Rosacea in the early 2000s. My skin had become thick and ruddy in the intervening years and there were visible veins on my nose and chin. Together BBL and HALO would address a range of skin concerns, including acne scars, Rosacea, age spots, sun spots, fine lines and wrinkles, and uneven texture. I had them all.
We set an appointment toward the end of the summer. At the time, two full months away, It was no big deal, but in no time at all there it was, the day of… Thus, the chanting.
Leading up to the day I watched every video I could find but as I watched, I never saw anyone who looked the way I did. The women (and men) I saw – at worst looked far better than I (with relatively smooth complexions, lashes, and lips). So, I decided to do an absolutely real, let-the-chips-fall video version of my own experience so that some of you contemplating doing the procedures could better imagine yourselves in my shoes.
Why? I not only wanted to see if there was a change, but I made it for you too. When I fessed up about doing BBL and HALO I was amazed at the number of comments. Lots of you, it seemed, wanted to see if it was worth it and perhaps decide whether or not to do it. I’m curious to hear what you think.
So, here it is. My October video podcast where I am the only “guest” encouraging you to carpe diem, following up on that chant. And as you will see, it’s totally real. I’m totally real (warts and all). And most importantly, I’m encouraging you to examine your own goals and start accomplishing them before it’s too late.
Holy Moly. You are so courageous. I think you are looking amazing. Way to go to the net!!