I have embarked on an effort to understand who reads Teri’s Ruby Slippers and what values we have in common. Now, these are not just your average, everyday descriptors. You’re pretty special. And apparently you like me too. Below is how you describe me. Wow! Thank you!
The answers to these questions suggest that there’s a very good reason you read Teri’s Ruby Slippers and that I write for you. We’re such a good match!
But seriously, except for the one joker who described herself as “stroppy” every single word is beautiful, even saying I’m “tall” most of us coalesced around some pretty awesome words.
For those of you who are new here, I think you’ll like us. Subscribe and join this kind, sensitive, resilient, loving, evolving, determined, loving group of readers and writers. We’re all that and so much more. I have a hunch you are too. Click the ruby slippers below to join!