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Checked TWO Things Off My It's Not Too Late List This Week

HALO (fractional laser) and BBL (broadband light pulse) procedures on my face! Not sorry.

I have a lot of things on my It's Not Too Late List. BBL & HALO laser therapy weren't on the list... until they were. I had an inordinate amount of pre-cancerous cells from sun damage, lots of pigmentation, and rosacea had made a ruddy mess of my face. When my dermatologist, Dr. Lindy Borton of Sun Valley Skin Center in Boise, told me that BBL (broadband light) and HALO (a fractional laser) could help, that got my attention.

So far, I'm six days post procedures. Before treatment day I decided to make a video of the experience - one with good lighting and honest feedback - to document it for myself and for anyone considering the same procedures. That’ll launch on my Teri’s Doing It! Podcast on October 1st.

I don't know what's on your list but for heavens sake, start checking things off before it's too late. Time is short. It may not be work you want done on your face. Whatever it is, Do It!

(because she started the list-thing!)

Teri's Doing It!
Teri's Doing It! Podcast
I've got some interesting friends who've done amazing things (and are still doing them). They come on the podcast and tell about their passions and how life changed when they started following them.